Kitchen Cabinets Painting and Staining
Cabinet Refinishing is a specialty skill that most paint contractors to do not offer do to the difficulty and skill level required. To get the quality and the beautiful look that is desired by customers a painter must learn to master the skills for years to produce cabinetry refinishing with this quality. Maison Painting & Decorating guarantees that your Kitchen Cabinetry or Bath Cabinets and any other woodwork is completed with the highest standards of painting craftsmanship. We provides the following cabinetry related painting services in either staining, wood graining or a solid color paint, two tone or antiquing.
We offer quality painting services using high-quality and locally sourced paints. In fact, we are best in our field. We serve in and out of the city and surroundings and painted hundreds of new and old homes. There is little point paying for your house to be painted.